Il saggio (in inglese)


Stamattina in classe si è parlato del verbo to boast (vantarsi) e così ho deciso di vantarmi un po’ anche io pubblicando il saggio che ho dovuto presentare oggi a scuola. La traccia che ho scelto riguardava l’importanza dell’istruzione. Quanto so’ bravo…


Nowadays it’s always more important to study and increase our knowledge. If we want a better future we have to learn, understand and read, we have to improve. University is an appropriate place to obtain these type of things and everyone have the right to study and attend college.


Sometimes, young students, don’t have the possibility to paying for university fees and for this reason they have to turn down their studies. I will here argue that it’s not possible to accept this condition. A boy who left his high school should have the right to decide about his future and his choice should not rely on his family’s salary. He has to feel free to choose, because he should follow his interests and he doesn’t have to think about economic problems.


For example, in Italy in the last ten years there was a university registration decrease of 17%, 58,000 students decided to not go on with their studies, and this is one of the main consequences of the world economic crisis. If the families can’t support their children, the state has to intervene. The cost of higher education should be paid for by the government, this would permit everyone to study and it would give all students the possibility of achieving their goals.


Some might say that it’s not possible for the government support all the people who can’t pay university fees. I think that graduate education is essential. If we want to have citizens with conscience and awareness we have to give them the occasion to get these by allowing them to study despite their resources.


The instruction is fundamental, it’s necessary for our future and the government should struggle to help students, it would be a more useful allocation money for the universities than for any other sector.


There isn’t future without education, there isn’t democracy if people can’t study and follow what they want to do.    




Matteo Ciofi